Rotary International Convention in Atlanta

If I were asked which RI convention II like best; I would say the Atlanta convention was. As it aligned with my interests Partly due I am sure to my commitment towards the eradication of Polio. It has started over 20 years ago with a continuing support since I resumed my membership with Shanghai Pudong LZJ.

I was astonished when Bill Gates said in one of his speeches to the fresh graduates in UC San Diego that he found the deep inequality emaned in African society and the disease that spreads and kills millions especially the enfants during his trip to Africa 17 years ago. Yet Bill Gates has become since then a real philanthropist and a key player in the Polio program through the partnership with RI. At the Atlanta Convention, RI. has successfully raised 1.4 billion US dollars thanks to great major donors namely Thai Rayon Indian conglomerate Aditya Birla, the EU commission, Canada government. Without such a great scale supports and rotarians worldwide, the eradication compaign would not be as close; to the date of the convention gathering, only 4 cases of Polio were identified.

Each convention has its particular venue, special speakers, great personalities and stars; the host country culture & foods to discover. And the most awarding of all to exchange banners meeting old friends and new friends, new connections that last as we all work and tied for the same beliefs. Next year 2018 convention will be from 23-27th June in Toronto which I believe will be an exciting event and undoubtedly we move further ahead in the total eradication of the Polio.

by President Elect Henry Chang

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